Friday, March 18, 2011

You Grow Girl

I'm reading "You Grow Girl" by Gayla Trail right now. I've only been reading for about an hour and I've already learned some really cool things. I've also learned that I should have been sowing seeds LAST MONTH.

The cool things I've learned are actually from her website, She has a "Seed Starting Plan" chart that you can print out to let you know when to start sowing seeds, when to plant, etc. She also tuned me in to the online Farmer's Almanac, which gives all kinds of LOCAL gardening information and magically already knows where you live. I also learned that instead of buying tiny pots to sow seeds in, I can make my own out of toilet paper tubes for free. I just wish I'd started saving them back in February...

I'm going to keep reading this book and checking out this website. Maybe it's got hints for "late bloomers." HA! Get it? Late BLOOMERS.

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