Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Garden Update.

Potatoes have sprouted! See 'em? Yay!! They're growing FAST.

Ground tomatoes. They look small, but they have grown in just seven days.

Onions have gotten longer, and the poblano is doing fine.

Cucumbers have sprouted!!! Might end up thinning them out to just one plant. I hear they take over the world.

Container tomato - he's gotten bigger too. Took the other one out to prevent over-crowding.

Green pepper. I'm seeing growth in this one too.

Lettuce is looking good. I was wanting more of a romaine though and this is just looking like loose leaves. And I'm not quite sure when it's ready to pick/eat it. Hmm.

No sprouts yet with the cilantro or basil so I didn't take pictures of them. I did notice, however, that their containers were VERY DRY. I hadn't watered them in a couple of days and it showed. Guess I'm going to have to water those daily.

And the potatoes have all sprouted (some quicker than others) and are growing really quickly. Jim bought me some more dirt so I could start mounding around the stems. This needs to be done so the tubers don't see sunlight. If they do, it's not good - something about acid. Can't remember.