Sunday, May 29, 2011

Garden Update

Basil and Cilantro taking their sweet time... but on May 10th, there was NOTHING there.

Green Pepper isn't doing too bad considering the cool temps we've had lately.

This is a jalapeno plant I got from a gal at work a couple of weeks ago. When she gave it to me, it was just a small seedling. It's grown pretty quickly. It's drooping because I just took the bottle off of it before snapping this pic. Hopefully the squirrels won't dig in it because it's getting too tall for the bottle and I don't have any more chicken wire for a cloche.

Speaking of which, I should take the cloche off of this tomato plant because it's getting too big for it. By the way, this plant is thriving in the container, whereas the other two that are in the ground, are not doing too well. They're half the size or smaller than this one. I believe they're not getting as much sun.

These are my cucumber plants which don't seem to be doing very well. The leaves look like they're being eaten but they're also yellow. I'm not sure if it's too much water or what. It's been raining A LOT lately. I've barely had to water at all the last two weeks because of all the rain. I don't see any bugs on them so I'm not sure what's going on. There are only two left because the one in the middle basically died so I got rid of it. Just going to keep an eye on these two...

Not sure what to think about these yellow onions either. They continue to get longer, and longer, and LONGER, but from what I read online, I'm not supposed to harvest them until fall. I'm thinking by then, they will have grown all over my deck! I may pick one soon just to see how big it is. That's the problem with root veggies. You can't tell what's going on under there!

This is my poblano pepper plant. It's gotten a lot more leaves and is almost as tall as its' cloche.

Last but not least, check out my potato plants!! They're HUGE. I've had to mound up dirt around their bases to cover any tubers because they like to poke out of the ground and if the sun hits them, they go bad. Kind of tricky. I've since learned that I should have planted them in a trench to start off with and then just gradually filled the trench with dirt.

My lettuce needs to be harvested and perfect timing too because I'm taking a salad to my mom's for Memorial Day tomorrow! FIRST HARVEST!!! Yippee!

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